
Home Style Saturday 442

Southern Hospitality 3/7 11:00P Rhoda
Spring is just around the corner for those of us in the south and I couldn't be happier. I love when the weather warms up and we can get outside and enjoy the sunshine. Today on Home Style Saturday,...

A “groovy” retro sweets shop opens in Dunwoody

Atlanta Magazine 3/6 10:49P Carly Cooper
The I Like Coconuts Fizzy is made with Diet Coke, coconut, sugar-free coconut syrup, and cream. Hospitality veteran and founder of Funwoody in Dunwoody Village, David Abes launched his latest venture...

BEATS IN BROOKHAVEN 3/6 5:00A Nicole Letts
O.A.R. & BOYZ II MEN TO HEADLINE CHERRY BLOSSOM FESTIVAL! O.A.R. brings their decades of hits to the Cherry Blossom Festival this March. Four-time Grammy winners Boys II Men will headline the Saturday...

Mothers Best Fried Chicken rules the roost in Decatur

Atlanta Magazine 3/5 2:00A Joe Reisigl
Soon after co-owners Ean Camperlengo and Ross Winecoff opened Mothers Best Fried Chicken last December, they were slammed, with lines out the door to Church Street. In a struggling restaurant world...

Best of March

Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles 3/3 7:20A Kate Strickland
Blooming March—spring into the new season with events and activities around Atlanta Holly Hunt Pillow, Jim Thompson Frame Armless Sofa, Pierre Frey Rug Stark; Courtesy of ADAC MARCH 5 | The design...

Why I Love to Decorate with Vintage & Antiques

Southern Hospitality 3/1 11:00P Rhoda
Why I love collecting vintage antique furniture and collectibles.  If you've been reading my blog for long, you know that I dearly love to shop secondhand for vintage and older pieces of furniture....

Home Style Saturday 441

Southern Hospitality 2/28 11:00P Rhoda
It's officially March and in my mind, it's spring month! Enjoy these fun spring shares we have today on Home Style Saturday, from 4 free spring printables to using soft color for a tranquil home, all...

Style Showcase 281

Southern Hospitality 2/24 11:00P Rhoda
Hello friends, welcome to another Style Showcase, your weekly inspiration from a team of talented bloggers. Today we have 6 ways to modernize your home, spring flower arrangements, 6 front door spring...
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